Value Based Payments
We are committed to increasing the number of providers achieving success through alternative payment models and programs.
Our payment reform team aims to create value based programming that incentivizes high quality primary care and behavioral health services that translate to better health outcomes for the members we serve. We regularly collaborate and consult with network providers prior to the creation or modification of our value based payment models/programs.
Included below are program documents to review and additional resources regarding our value based programs.
Current Documents
Administrative Payment Model Program Documents
- FY 24-25 Adult IM Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 24-25 COA Family Medicine Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 24-25 COA Pediatric Payment Administrative Document
- FY 24-25 COA Reproductive Health Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 24-25 COA PCMP+/ECP Site Ascension Program Document
Current Documents
Historical Documents
Archived Program Documents
- FY 23-24 COA Pay-for-Performance Program Document
- FY 22-23 COA Pay-for-Performance Program Document
- FY 22-23 COA Family Medicine Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 22-23 COA Adult Internal Medicine Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 22-23 COA Pediatric Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 22-23 COA Reproductive Health Administrative Payment Program Document
- FY 23-24 COA Administrative Payment Model Specification Document