Helpful Resources
Find general health websites as well as contact information for our partner providers.
Contact Information
We’ve put together a list of contact information to help you get the answers you need to the questions you have. Please click here for a contact list that includes the regional organizations in the state, Health First Colorado Enrollment, The Ombudsman for Medicaid Managed Care and more!
General Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccines
General Resources and information about diseases and prevention.
Mayo Clinic
Learn about health conditions, tests and more.
American Lung Association
Learn about asthma, COPD and other lung diseases.
American Diabetes Association
Learn about diabetes, research and more.
Accu-Chek Blood Glucose Monitors
Support, products and information for people with diabetes.
Heart Disease/Stroke
American Heart Association
Information on heart-related conditions, research. Find healthy living tips.
National Stroke Association
Prevent and identify the symptoms of a stroke. Find free resources and education.
Pregnancy /Newborn
March of Dimes
Find information on pregnancy and newborn care.
Info on who qualifies and the benefits. Learn about nutrition, breastfeeding and more.
Safe Kids Worldwide
Information on safety tips and laws to keep all kids safe.
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
Information on recent product recalls and safety education.
Long Term Services & Supports
Rocky Mountain Human Services
The new Single Entry Point agency is Rocky Mountain Human Services.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccines
Simple child and adult immunization schedules. Also includes resources and Q&As.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza
Info on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Find flu activity reports and updates.
Weight control Information Network (WIN)
Information and resources on obesity, weight control and nutrition.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Food, health and fitness information for people of all ages.
Colorado Department of Health Quit Tobacco
Information and resources to help people quit using tobacco. Learn about free QuitLine service.
Living with a Disability
Information on equipment and products for people with disabilities.
American Foundation for the Blind
Services and resources for the blind and visually impaired and their loved ones.
American Chronic Pain Association
Find information on conditions and treatments. Learn how to manage your pain.
Mental Health
Mental Health Colorado
Compare state and local outcomes with the data dashboard. Take a mental health screening.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Read about treatment options. Find tools, research and support.
Colorado Crisis Services
Information you need if you or someone you know is having a crisis.
Oral Health
Find information about oral health resources in Colorado.
Colorado Access Partner Providers
To be linked to our founding partner providers, please see the information below or, to find a provider near you, please see our complete provider directory.
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Colorado Community Managed Care Network
University of Colorado Hospital
University of Colorado Medicine
Long-Term Care Resources
Call your county if you need information about services other than long-term services and supports available in your area. Each county’s contact information is listed here.
Adams County Human Services
Arapahoe County Human Services
Denver County Human Services
Douglas County Human Services
Elbert County Human Services
Other Resources
- Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF)
- Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Certified Application Assistance Sites
- Colorado Gerontological Society
- Colorado Office of Administrative Courts
- Colorado’s Single Entry Point Agencies
- Community Centered Boards
- Community Mental Health Center facility directory
- Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Area Agency on Aging
- HCPF Medicaid Bulletins for Providers
- Social Security Administration
Advance Directives
The information on this page is not legal advice. It is not meant to be. All information, content, and materials are only meant to inform you. This page contains links to other websites. These are for your convenience. They are for informational use only. A link to a website that is not ours does not mean or imply we endorse it.
Advance directives are written instructions you make ahead of time stating your wishes about your health and medical care. The instructions are used if you are not able to make health care decisions for yourself. For example, you may want treatment that lowers pain and brings comfort, instead of treatment that prolongs your life. The advance directive also may name a health care agent. This is a person you trust to make life-or-death medical decisions when you are not able to. If you do not have an advance directive or guardian, the law requires doctors to make reasonable efforts to find all “interested persons” to be a substitute decision maker (proxy).
There are four main kinds of advance directives. Each has a different purpose.
Medical Durable Power of Attorney (MDPOA)
An MDPOA lets you name someone to make health care decisions for you. This is called your health care agent. Your health care agent must act according to his or her understanding of what you wish or prefer. They can talk to health care providers. They can review your medical records. They can also get copies of your medical records. All needed treatment decisions can be made by them.
Living Will
A living will gives instructions to providers when you have a terminal condition and you cannot make your own decisions. It can also provide instructions for times when you are not able to function without the help of a medical machine. Living wills do not allow someone to make medical decisions for you.
Advance Directives
Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST)
The MOST form is used if you are seriously ill or have an ongoing condition and see your providers often. MOSTs tell your provider which medical procedures to do. They also tell them which ones to avoid. MOSTs must be signed by you and your provider.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Directive
CPR is an attempt to save you if your heart and/or breathing has stopped. CPR can use special drugs or it can also use special machines. It can even include firmly and repeatedly pressing on your chest. The CPR Directive allows you, your agent, guardian, or proxy to refuse CPR. If you do not have a CPR Directive and your heart and/or lungs stop or have a problem, it is assumed that you have agreed to CPR. If you have a CPR Directive, and your heart and/or lungs stop or have problems, paramedics and doctors, emergency workers or others will not try to press on your chest or use other ways to get your heart and/or lungs to work again.
More Resources:
These links may help you get more information. These websites are not ours. A link to a website that is not ours does not mean or imply that we endorse it.
Colorado Bar Association:
Colorado Hospital Association: